Expedited Reviews of Premises Licences
Duncan has represented clients at numerous hearings of this nature and handled approximately 10% of these applications in England and Wales last year, with some notable successes.
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Expedited Reviews (section 53A)
Should you be issued with a section 53A notice it is important to contact Duncan immediately and maintain a measured, professional response for the good of all concerned. Duncan will clear all non-urgent business for a 48hour period to deal with the immediate situation and will then work to achieve a positive outcome for your business. Duncan’s experience in these situations has proved invaluable to a number of his clients in the past and the main aim is to resolve the situation to the satisfaction of the authorities involved and get your business trading again.
Section 53A checklist
- Take legal advice immediately
- Try not to panic, find time to take stock, stay in control
- Be considerate to other people and their families, especially if someone has been hurt
- A calm professional approach to any incident will increase the chances of retaining your licence
- Secure all CCTV footage
- Co-operate with police and authorities
- Get a list of team members who witnessed or were involved in any incident and offer support to anyone upset by events
- Make sure your version of events is clearly recorded
- Have a communications plan – Duncan has previously worked with communications experts who can help you deal with the fallout from any incident in a professional and ethical way.
- DO NOT go on social media, DO NOT talk to the press. The same goes for all team members and associates.